On Saturday June 22, 75% of the delegates to  the UUA General Assembly voted for a permanent ceasefire, an end to US military support for Israel, and to support the American Friends Service Committee Apartheid Free Communities campaign. The Resolution, known as an Action of Immediate Witness in the UU denomination,  was endorsed by 400 organizations and individuals. 
Here is a press release about the resolution: https://uupalestineaction.org/unitarian-universalists-call-for-an-end-to-the-war-on-gaza-u-s-complicity-in-that-war/ 
Here is the text of the resolution: https://uupalestineaction.org/resolution/ 
Here is the list of endorsers: https://uupalestineaction.org/endorsements/ 
This is a big moment for the UUA and follows on years of work by member of Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East (https://www.uujme.org/ )


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