10 Palestinian homes demolished in Israeli city, prompting mayor to resign

QALANSAWE (Ma'an) -- Israeli authorities demolished 10 homes belonging to Palestinian citizens of Israel in the city of Qalansawe in central Israel on Tuesday morning, prompting a defeated mayor to resign after Israeli authorities refused for decades to approve the city’s master plan.

Local sources told Ma’an the devastating demolition campaign sparked clashes between Israeli police and residents.
Mayor Abd al-Basit Mansour visited the area along with members of the municipal council and announced he would resign from his post, as Israeli bulldozers razed the homes to ground.



Mansour told reporters that, "We have been waiting for approval of a master plan for twenty years, but our request fell on deaf ears.”
“As head of the Qalansawe municipality, who doesn’t have the power to change anything, I decided to send my resignation to the Ministry of Interior.”
Dozens of locals crowded in the area in an attempt to prevent bulldozers from demolishing the structures, but Israeli police officers dispersed them. 
One homeowner described the demolition as part of Israel’s policy of "oppression, injustice, and displacement."
Qalansawe resident Ashraf Abu Ali criticized leaders of Palestinian communities in Israel. "What have they done to prevent demolitions in the Arab communities?" he asked, asserting that Palestinian citizens of Israel would "remain under threat as long as master plans and allocating land for construction are dealt with so recklessly." 
Another owner of one of the demolished houses, Hassuna Makhlouf, said he held Qalansawe’s mayor responsible, along with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
He told Ma’an that Israeli police officers treated homeowners “violently” during the demolition raid.
Resident of the town Abd al-Rahim Odeh said large numbers of Israeli police officers and more than 20 bulldozers stormed Qalansawe "in an unprecedented act of barbarism.”
Local sources said Israeli police detained a young man from Qalansawe during clashes that broke out in the area. 
Israeli police spokesperson Micky Rosenfeld confirmed to Ma'an that the demolitions took place “based on a court order,” amid heavy police presence in and around the area. However, he said that no detentions or clashes occurred, "as far as I know."
Commenting on the demolitions, Israeli Minister of Public Security Gilad Erdan said that the "complex campaign reflects equal law enforcement in Israel as it should be," according to Hebrew-language media reports.
Last month, Netanyahu reportedly held meetings, attended by Erdan, in which the prime minister instructed officials to “work to issue demolition orders for the illegal structures, located in Arab town in northern and southern Israel, as well as in eastern Jerusalem.”
“There will be no double standards regarding construction,” Israeli media quoted Netanyahu as saying. “There will be equal enforcement of the law in Israel for both Jews and Arabs.”
Earlier in December, Netanyahu commented on the Supreme Court-ordered demolition of the illegal Israeli outpost of Amona in the occupied West Bank by assuring the soon-to-be displaced settlers that he would commit to “enforcing laws” on “illegal construction” in Israel, referring primarily to Palestinian communities that are often forced to build without Israeli-issued building permits.
The Jerusalem municipality also vowed to demolish scores of Palestinian homes in occupied East Jerusalem as a result of the ruling to dismantle Amona.
Bedouin communities in the southern Israeli Negev region said a wave of home demolitions therecame as a direct retaliation from the impending evacuation of Amona.
According to Palestinian NGO Adalah, only 4.6 percent of the housing tenders published by the Israel Land Authority (ILA) in 2015 were dedicated to Palestinian communities in Israel, although the population comprises 20 percent of the population. 
The Palestinian population in Israel requires 13,000 new housing units per year, yet in practice only 7,000 housing units are built, mostly by means of private, self-construction, according to the group.
“As a result of the government's widespread failure to authorize a sufficient number of building permits in Arab communities, the phenomenon of ‘illegal’ home construction is widespread as residents seek to house expanding populations,” Adalah has said. 
“The housing shortage in Arab communities in Israel is not the result of specific failures or unintentional neglect on the part of state authorities. It is instead the product of a systematic and deliberate policy since 1948 that has viewed Palestinian citizens as enemies and aliens.”

Upcoming Wyden Town Hall Meetings

Come and ask why Wyden supports Israel's illegal settlements!


Read more: Upcoming Wyden Town Hall Meetings

TAKE ACTION: Congress Voting on Pro-Settlement Resolutions!

Blumenauer, Defazio, and Merkley did the right thing. Wyden of course did not! 




TAKE ACTION: Congress to Vote on Pro-Settlement Resolution!



By now you’ve probably heard that President Obama—after waiting eight years and watching Israel’s settler population increase by more than 100,000—finally did something about Israel’s unrelenting colonization of Palestinian land.

On December 23, the United States abstained on UN Security Council Resolution 2334, which reiterated that Israeli settlement activity “has no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law.” This abstention allowed the resolution to pass, 14-0.

The resolution is consistent with fifty years of stated bipartisan US opposition to Israeli settlements and recapitulates the international community’s longstanding consensus on this issue. Secretary of State John Kerryadmitted that the resolution “does not break new ground.

Nevertheless, some Members of Congress are indignant that the Obama administration allowed the resolution to pass, even though it doesn’t even threaten to sanction Israel if it refuses to comply.

Tomorrow, as one of its very first acts of business in the new 115th Congress, the House of Representatives will vote on H.Res.11 objecting to UN Security Council Resolution 2334 and the Obama administration’s abstention.

And from what we’re hearing, the Senate will soon be voting on its own version of a similar resolution.

Call your Members of Congress right now and urge them to oppose these Congressional resolutions, which are designed to protect and promote Israel’s illegal colonization of Palestinian land.

Read more: TAKE ACTION: Congress to Vote on Pro-Settlement Resolution!

Netanyahu 'told New Zealand backing UN vote would be declaration of war'

Read more on The Guardian

Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly told New Zealand’s foreign minister that support for a UN resolution condemning Israeli settlement-building in the occupied territories would be viewed as a “declaration of war”.

According to reports in Israeli media, the Israeli PM called Murray McCully, the foreign minister of New Zealand, before Friday’s resolution, which was co-sponsored by Wellington.  Netanyahu told him: “This is a scandalous decision. I’m asking that you not support it and not promote it.

John Kerry to underline outgoing president’s support of two-state solution with speech setting out US vision of Israel-Palestine agreement

“If you continue to promote this resolution, from our point of view it will be a declaration of war. It will rupture the relations and there will be consequences. We’ll recall our ambassador [from New Zealand] to Jerusalem.”

McCully, however, refused to back down, telling Netanyahu: “This resolution conforms to our policy and we will move it forward.”

A western diplomat confirmed that the call took place and described the conversation as “harsh”.

Read more: Netanyahu 'told New Zealand backing UN vote would be declaration of war'



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