Decision in Rasmea Odeh appeal a partial victory
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- Written by Rasmea Defense Committee Rasmea Defense Committee
- Published: 26 February 2016 26 February 2016
- Hits: 6593 6593
Rasmea Defense Committee
February 25th, 2016
Media contact: Hatem Abudayyeh, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 773.301.4108
Decision in Rasmea Odeh appeal a partial victory
This morning, a ruling from the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals represents a partial victory in the case of Rasmea Odeh, the legendary Palestinian American icon who was convicted of a politically motivated immigration charge in 2014, and sentenced to 18 months in prison and deportation last year.
Organizers with the Rasmea Defense Committee, which represents over 50 institutions across the country, have been waiting for a decision in the appeal since last October, and are pleased with the result.
"This isn't a full victory yet, of course," said Nesreen Hasan of the committee's headquarters in Chicago, "but it really is what we were hoping for and anticipating at this stage. The conviction wasn't overturned altogether, but at least Judge Drain will be forced to rethink his decision on the torture evidence."
The appeals court determined that Gershwin Drain, the trial judge who sentenced Rasmea, wrongfully barred expert torture witness, Dr. Mary Fabri, from testifying at the trial. According to lead attorney Michael Deutsch, "The case will be remanded [back to Drain] for a determination as to the admissibility of the expert testimony. The appellate court has essentially ruled that it was an error for Drain to have precluded that testimony."
We are hopeful that Rasmea's full story will be told, and that she will ultimately be exonerated of all charges.
A more full press release will follow shortly, but contact spokesperson Hatem Abudayyeh for comment or for access to Deutsch.
And continue to donate to support the defense work!
##### End #####
Wells Fargo Complicit in Private Prison Industry: City of Portland Committee Recommends Divestment
- Details
- Written by Amanda Aguilar Shank of Enlace Amanda Aguilar Shank of Enlace
- Published: 24 February 2016 24 February 2016
- Hits: 6735 6735
Wells Fargo Complicit in Private Prison Industry: City of Portland Committee Recommends Divestment
February 22, 2016
Contact: Amanda Aguilar Shank of Enlace, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 503-660-8744
After several months of deliberation and community input, today the Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) committee voted unanimously to recommend that the City of Portland divest of their holdings in Wells Fargo & Company due to the company’s financing of for-profit incarceration, and their “morally bankrupt” lending practices.
Paulino Ruiz of Woodburn spoke at today’s SRI committee meeting about his two years in immigrant detention, and his role is catalyzing hunger strikes at the GEO Group owned Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma. He said, “I was retaliated against for [the hunger strike]... I had no access to my attorney, my case information, or family support... Just during my detention, prisons and investors like Wells Fargo made over $100,000 that could have been spent doing good for the community instead.”
This decision marks the first time that a public body has voted for divestment from Wells Fargo due to their complicity in the prison industry. This comes on the heels of recent prison divestment by Columbia University and the University of California, and pledges by Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders to outlaw private incarceration.
“We are thrilled that the committee made the right decision today. Our Black, Latino and immigrant communities have suffered enough from incarceration,” said Mary Mendez of Enlace, the Portland- based organization that is convener of the national Prison Divestment Campaign. “Divestment from private prisons is part of a larger movement to end mass incarceration and immigrant detention.”
“Today’s decision indicates that it is time to take the profit motive out of incarceration,” said Kayse Jama, Director of the Center for Intercultural Organizing and coalition partner of the Portland Prison Divestment Campaign. “Private prison corporations and their financial backers like Wells Fargo should not be profiting from incarceration, and should not be allowed to lobby on criminal justice and immigration policy, because their motivation is to put more and more people behind bars.”
Jeff Halper: War Against the People
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- Written by AUPHR AUPHR
- Published: 05 February 2016 05 February 2016
- Hits: 7011 7011
Jeff Halper Israeli Peace and Human Rights Activist
Tuesday Feb. 23 at 7:00PM
First United Methodist Church (Collins Hall)
1838 SW Jefferson Portland
Event is Free and open to the Public.
Jeff Halper is an Israeli peace and human rights activist, co-founder of Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, Nobel Peace Prize nominee (2006), author and lecturer.
Event is Free—donations accepted. Jeff Halper’s new book will be for sale.
“Jeff Halper's book, like his life's work, is an inspiration. Drawing on his many years of directly challenging Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, he offers one of the most insightful analyses of the occupation I've read. His voice cries out to be heard.”
Jonathan Cook
The Fading Two-State Solution
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- Written by NY Times Editorial Board NY Times Editorial Board
- Published: 23 January 2016 23 January 2016
- Hits: 6885 6885
.....Speaking at a security conference, Mr. Shapiro said, correctly, that Israel’s quick-moving expansion of settlements on Palestinian lands “raises honest questions about Israel’s long-term intentions” and commitment to a two-state solution. What really enraged his critics was an observation that during a time of increased violence in Israel and the West Bank, “Too many attacks on Palestinians lack a vigorous investigation or response by Israeli authorities, too much vigilantism goes unchecked, and at times there seem to be two standards of adherence to the rule of law: one for Israelis and another for Palestinians.” A statement from Mr. Netanyahu’s office denounced the second comment as “unacceptable and incorrect.”
Demand Airbnb Stop Listing Rentals in Israeli Settlements
- Details
- Written by USPCN USPCN
- Published: 21 January 2016 21 January 2016
- Hits: 6825 6825
Demand Airbnb Stop Listing Rentals in Israeli SettlementsDid you know that Airbnb, the online accommodation service, is listing homes in illegal Israeli settlements for people to rent?