Bethlehem is one of the most contentious places on earth.
Perchedat the edge of the Judaen desert at the intersection of Europe, Asiaand Africa in the state of Palestine it was governed by the Britishfollowing the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. After World War II theUnited Nations voted to partition the region into two states - oneJewish, one Arab and there’s been fighting ever since.
It’sobviously not the job of a loose collection of idiot doodlers to tellyou what’s right or wrong about this situation, so you’re advised to dofurther reading yourself (this month’s National Geographic has anexcellent article all about Bethlehem).
We would liketo make it very clear Santa’s Ghetto is not allied to ANY race, creed,religion, political organization or lobby group. As an organisation theonly thing we’ll say on behalf of our artists is that we don’t speak onbehalf of our artists. This show simply offers the ink-stained hand offriendship to ordinary people in an extraordinary situation.
Everyshekel made in the store will be used on local projects for childrenand young people. Not one cent will go to any political groups,governmental institutions or, in fact, any grown-ups at all.