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Dear AUPHR Supporters:

Peter DeFazio and Earl Blumenauer have both been among the best rated politicans in support of Palestinian rights. The US Campaign gave DeFazio 7 Positive Votes, Blumenauer 8 Postive Vote, in comparison with Kucinich's exemplar 9 positives. In contrast, Kurt Schrader scored a horrid -3 and Greg Walden scored a hair wrenching -6. We need more people like DeFazio in office!  See the Congression Score Card on the US Campaign's Web site.


Peter Miller

To My Friends in Oregon - Please Help Congressman DeFazio

Hi, Dennis here.

Peter DeFazio, one of the greatest progressives in the Congress, is being targeted in this election. He has a well-funded extremist candidate running against him and now a Washington, D.C. based group is raising "unlimited amounts" from anonymous sources to defeat him. They have already spent $200,000 on ads attacking Peter and they are on pace to spend $1 million.

Rachel Maddow, the progressive MSNBC commentator, recently described these anonymous attack ads as "the story of what's wrong with elections this cycle."

The attacks are in the form of new shell organizations created as a result of the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United earlier this year. The court threw out 100 years of precedents that banned corporate contributions to congressional campaigns. These groups are raising unlimited amounts of money from anonymous sources to influence the outcome of elections around the country and, as we've seen, they have been successful.

It's no wonder they would target Peter, who has been one of my strongest allies in Congress in fighting for a progressive agenda. He and I have stood shoulder to shoulder in fighting for a progressive agenda that benefits working families, rather than corporate special interests. We have fought against the Iraq and Afghanistan military campaigns, and pressed for peaceful resolutions in Iran and the Middle East.

Peter and I have consistently pushed Presidents and Democratic leaders to renegotiate trade policies that have led to the loss of millions of U.S. jobs, eliminate wasteful military spending, challenge the legal authority of U.S. military actions, re-regulate the financial industry whose misdeeds led to the current economic crisis, and to protect Social Security for our seniors.

These anonymous attack ads are attempting to undermine our democracy. If they can purchase enough elections to take back the majority, corporate America will once again dominate the federal agenda. They will cut corporate taxes, cut the social safety net, and undermine consumer and environmental protections. They will use war to pacify the voters with fear. If these shell groups win, the federal government will radically shift to promote the agenda of corporate America, ensuring CEO's continue to rake in million dollar bonuses. The rest of our work will be outsourced and our kids will be sent overseas to fight more wars.

Peter has been one of the strongest, most consistent voices for working families and peace in the Congress. We cannot afford to lose his voice, his independence, and his leadership on the issues we care about most. I am asking you to dig deep, and help him fight back so we can continue to fight for working families. Your contribution of $35, $50, $100, $500, or $2,400 is so important. You can make a contribution using the enclosed envelope, by using a credit card through Peter's secure website at or by calling Peter's office at (541) 485-1622. Alternatively, you can volunteer on his campaign and help him directly.

Please act now!
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