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Our hats off to newly re-elected Senator Ron Wyden who was the third highest recipient of pro-Israel PAC money this election cycle.

According to, Wyden received  $192,531 pro-Israel pac money.

The top five are:

Kirk, Mark (R-IL)House $477,698
Reid, Harry (D-NV)Senate $195,555
Wyden, Ron (D-OR)Senate $192,531
Inouye, Daniel K (D-HI)Senate $186,100
Cantor, Eric (R-VA)House $176,000

Wyden is a rather quiet supporter of Israel's policies. However, he is on the board of advisors of the Israel Project, an organization that attempts to spin information to support Israel's policies, make excuses for Israel's actions, and support a hard-line against Iran.  But if you ever hear Wyden speak about Palestinians, there is no doubt that he is dismissive of their human rights and considers their occupied lands to simply be "disputed" territory.

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