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Governor Kulongoski Leads Trade Mission to Israel to Expand Clean Tech; Other Opportunities for Oregon Companies

Governor Also Visited in 2008
Governor Ted Kulongoski departed for Israel last week, leading a group of public and private sector leaders on a nine-day business development mission to promote Oregon as a center for green energy, security defense equipment, and environmental equipment technologies, while also promoting Oregon products in the Israeli market.

"Israel is a world leader in sustainability, high-tech and software development and electric vehicles," the Governor said. "There is much untapped expertise and venture capital in Israel that could benefit our state greatly if relationships are developed and partnerships are fostered. That's what this mission is about."

As part of the mission, the Governor signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on October 27 with the nation of Israel to build on business-to-business opportunities and joint collaboration on alternative energy, security and innovation initiatives.

The Governor also will promote commercial development R&D opportunities with Oregon universities and Signature Research Centers and represent the interests of the newly formed Oregon-Israel Business Alliance, which has been organized by a group of Oregon private-sector business leaders to create new business ties with Israel.

The Governor also will tour the Intel research and manufacturing facility at Kiryat Gat and learn more about the company's planned expansion of facilities there. Among those joining the Governor on this mission were Wally Van Valkenburg, chair of the Oregon Business Development Commission; Brian Shipley, the Governor's deputy chief of staff; Bill Wyatt, executive director of the Port of Portland; Diane Daggett, Intel's director of U.S. corporate affairs; Karen Goddin, Managing Director of Business Oregon's Business, Innovation & Trade Division; and Business Oregon Clean Tech Industry Strategist, Mark Brady.

Israel's major industrial sectors include high-technology electronic and biomedical equipment, metal products, processed foods, chemicals and transport equipment. It is a world leader in software development as well as a leader in solar thermal and water conservation systems and transitioning to zero-emissions vehicles, and Israel is the country company with the most companies listed on NASDAQ, the main stock exchange for technology companies.

The Governor and Oregon's universities, venture capitalists and private business leaders are using this mission to strengthen relationships with the Israeli government and private companies based in Israel. Oregon exported more than $107 million in goods and services to Israel in 2009.

This is the Governor's second business mission to Israel. The first was in the spring of 2008.

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