Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights (AUPHR)
For Immediate Release
Date: November 16, 2010

Contact: Peter Miller
Organization: Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights
Tel: 503/230-0616
Cell: 503/358-7475
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Organizations Endorsing this Release:

Oregon Human Rights Groups Criticize Governor Kulongoski for Ignoring Israel's Human Rights Violations

(Portland, Ore.) Americans United For Palestinian Human Rights (AUPHR) and other Oregon groups expressed dismay over Governor Kulongoski's signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation for business development between the State of Oregon and the State of Israel. "Israel is committing serious human rights violations and racial discrimination on a daily basis against the Palestinian civilian population, both inside Israel and inside the occupied territories," said Peter Miller, President of AUPHR, "This agreement makes all Oregonians complicit in helping to sustain and normalize Israel's occupation and discriminatory practices."

In response, AUPHR has released a new report summarizing the Moral Implications of Doing Business With Israel available on the web at: as a pdf at:

Israel has a long history of discriminating against its own Palestinian Arab citizens in housing, access to state resources, and jobs and this summer demolished an entire village of its indigenous Bedouin population. There are over twenty laws in Israel that privilege Jews over non-Jews. A recent Israeli report shows that, even though Palestinians represent 20% of the population, there is "massive under-representation of Arab citizens across most of the public sector, including in government companies and ministries, where the percentage of Arab staff typically falls below two percent of employees." A recent survey found that "83 percent of Israeli businesses in the main professions admitted being opposed to hiring Arab graduates."

In addition, Israel is rapidly expanding its illegal settlements on Palestinian lands in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. It is recognized around the world that a viable Palestinian state requires that Israel stop expanding Jewish settlements. The British Foreign Secretary recently warned Israel that the window of opportunity for a two-state solution to the Palestine Israel conflict is closing because of Israel's ongoing settlement activity. Why is the State of Oregon involving itself in a country that flouts international law with impunity, defies our President, and actively destroys the chances for peace?

Given these very serious concerns and the damage the State of Oregon will do to the human rights of Palestinians by ignoring Israel's abuses, AUPHR asks that the State of Oregon withdraw support for doing business with Israel. "We do not want Oregon to be complicit in serious international violations of human rights and human dignity," said Peter Miller. Should the State of Oregon continue to do business with Israel, the following considerations must be brought to the forefront before it does business with any Israeli company or government entity:

  • Is the Israeli organization involved in doing business with or supporting, building, or expanding any of Israel's illegal settlements built on Palestinian lands in violation of International law?
  • Does the Israeli organization support Israel's military occupation and domination over Palestinians through development of products or services that enable Israel's human rights violations?
  • Does the Israeli organization take advantage of resources, like water or land, which are taken from Palestinians in order to produce products and services?
  • Are Israeli citizens who are not Jewish given full rights and opportunities within the Israeli organization? Can a Palestinian citizen of Israel advance into leadership positions within the organization? Are they given the same job opportunities? Are they hired in representative numbers? Do they have the same rights and pay?

Unfortunately, Governor Kulongoski has a history of publicly touting his support Israel and for the right-wing Israel lobby organization the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), saying "support for AIPAC is an article of faith for both political parties. This is as it should be . . ." This new business venture is apparently his attempt to leave a legacy at the expense of Oregon's moral standing.

The response of the governor's office did not attempt to address or even mention the concerns presented.

"We can only hope that Oregon's new governor is more sensitive to the real needs of Oregonians and understands that Oregonians do not want to be forced to support human-rights violations in countries like Israel, " remarked Peter Miller.


NEWS RELEASE: Governor Kulongoski Signs Business Development Agreement with Israel,

Governor Kulongoski, 27 October 2010

Rampant employment discrimination against Palestinian workers in Israel

Jonathan Cook, The Electronic Intifada, 21 May 2010

Israel's discrimination against its Arab citizens, Sawsan Ramahi, June 2010

Window of opportunity for two-state solution closing, Hague warns Israel, Harriet Sherwood November 4, 2010,

UN envoy: Settlements major obstacle to Palestinian state, JPOST Staff,

22 November 2010,

Remarks by Governor Ted Kulongoski, AIPAC Oregon Community Dinner 2006, April 30, 2006,

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