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Israel has ordered demolition of around 88 Palestinian homes in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan, Palestinian officials warned.

Israeli Attorney, Yehuda Weinstein, handed demolition orders in al-Bustan area claiming that the Arab houses were illegally built. Ahmed al-Rowaidhi, chief of Jerusalem Unit at the Palestinian presidency, said Israel's move will result in 1,500 Palestinians being evicted from al-Bustan for the construction of a tourist center.

The Palestinian official added that Weinstein's decision may affect 20,000 homes in East Jerusalem, and some 100,000 Palestinians could be displaced from the area if demolition orders are implemented.

In the meantime, sources recently said that Israel plans to sell 3,000 new settler units in Jerusalem next year after approval for the building of 1,300 units in East Jerusalem.

In a separate instance, Israeli Attorney had asked its Jerusalem city council to evict Jewish settlers from a building in the neighborhood of Silwan, AFP reported on Thursday. 

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