Palestinian Killed by Army Fire At A Roadblock In The Jordan Valley

Palestinian medical sources reported on Sunday morning, that Israeli soldiers stationed at the Al Hamra roadblock in the Jordan valley, shot and killed a Palestinian youth despite having his hands up following soldiers demands.

The Palestinian Red Crescent reported that slain resident was identified as Mahmoud Mohammad Daraghma, 21.

The Red Crescent added that Daraghma was shot in his chest and buttocks while walking towards the roadblock.

The Maan News Agency reported that Dr. Hatem Farroukh, who witnessed the shooting, said that Daraghma had both of his hand over his head before two soldiers, male and female, shot him from a distance that does not exceed three meters.

Daraghma was not armed and only had a Coke can in his hand and that just before he was shot he was walking next to some female soldiers. The soldiers then opened fire at him from different directions.

In related news, medical sources in the Gaza Strip reported that two residents were wounded on Sunday at dawn after the army bombarded areas in northern and central Gaza.

The Israeli Air Force bombarded a site, believed to be used as a training center for the fighters of the Al Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, in Jabalia in northern Gaza. Damage to the site and a number of surrounding homes were damaged, and one resident was mildly injured.

The second attack targeted an area west of Al Nusseirat refugee camp in Central Gaza inflicting one injury.

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