The Bay drops controversial AHAVA products

Montreal, January 13, 2011—On Jan. 11, The Bay quietly informed
customers who had objected to the store stocking AHAVA products that it
would no longer be doing so. The store said that “from a business
perspective, AHAVA has not been meeting expectations.” However, B’nai
Brith has attributed the Bay’s decision to the AHAVA boycott campaign
organized by Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME),
and indirectly accused CJPME of bigotry.

AHAVA is economically linked to Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian
territories. Nearly 45 percent of AHAVA is owned by Mitzpe Shalem and
Kalia, two illegal Israeli colonies established near the Dead Sea
shorelines of the West Bank. Since AHAVA is partially owned by these
colonies, its profits directly benefit the colonies and their residents.
Another 18 percent of AHAVA is owned by Shamrock Holdings, a large
holding firm not only further entangled in other illegal Israeli
colonies but one that also invests in the construction of the illegal
wall Israel is building.

CJPME condemns B’nai Brith’s smear campaign against CJPME and the
boycott AHAVA campaign. “The boycott is a legitimate means of
non-violent pressure to compel Israel to respect international law,
which it has flouted since 1967. It is neither anti-Israel nor
anti-Semitic. It will end when Israel’s illegal behaviour ends,” says
CJPME President Thomas Woodley. CJPME emphasizes that those boycotting
AHAVA take issue with Israel’s occupation and the colonization of
Palestinian territory. “CJPME counts the descendents of Holocaust
victims and many other proudly Jewish individuals among its diverse
supporters. It is patently absurd for B’nai Brith to allege that the
AHAVA campaign is based on bigotry,” adds Woodley.
Israel has ignored dozens of UN resolutions calling on it to respect
international law, withdraw from the occupied Palestinian territories,
and lift the blockade of Gaza. In view of Israel’s seeming
imperviousness to diplomatic pressure, 170 Palestinian civil society
organizations appealed to the international community in 2005 to
institute a boycott to pressure Israel to respect international law.

About CJPME – Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME)
is a non-profit and secular organization bringing together men and women
of all backgrounds who labour to see justice and peace take root again
in the Middle East. Its mission is to empower decision-makers to view
all sides with fairness and to promote the equitable and sustainable
development of the region.

For more information, please contact Patricia Jean, 450 812 7781 or 438
380 5410 Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East www.cjpme.org

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