We’re ask­ing you to buy a bag (or more) of cement for us to take in to Gaza on the march. Your bag will not only be a gift to the home­less in Gaza it will also be a mate­r­ial sym­bol of your sol­i­dar­ity with the peo­ple all around the globe opposed to the siege.

The lack of build­ing mate­ri­als due to the crip­pling siege means that many in Gaza are liv­ing home­less or in unsafe build­ings and the events in Egypt have made things even worse…

Since the prob­lems started in Egypt, the prices of cement and gravel have dou­bled — one ton of cement cost US$140 last week. Today, I bought a ton for $296,” said Ashraf Al Aloul, a dri­ver for an inter­na­tional NGO, one of thou­sands of Gazans in the process of build­ing a home. —IRIN News

Ulti­mately we want the unhin­dered sup­ply of con­struc­tion mate­ri­als through Rafah but your donated bags are a sym­bolic defi­ance of the block­ade and will be given to home­less or res­i­dents of dam­aged houses to help rebuild homes.

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