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- Written by Tahrir4Gaza Tahrir4Gaza
- Published: 01 March 2011 01 March 2011
- Hits: 4659 4659
We’re asking you to buy a bag (or more) of cement for us to take in to Gaza on the march. Your bag will not only be a gift to the homeless in Gaza it will also be a material symbol of your solidarity with the people all around the globe opposed to the siege.
The lack of building materials due to the crippling siege means that many in Gaza are living homeless or in unsafe buildings and the events in Egypt have made things even worse…
Since the problems started in Egypt, the prices of cement and gravel have doubled — one ton of cement cost US$140 last week. Today, I bought a ton for $296,” said Ashraf Al Aloul, a driver for an international NGO, one of thousands of Gazans in the process of building a home. —IRIN News
Ultimately we want the unhindered supply of construction materials through Rafah but your donated bags are a symbolic defiance of the blockade and will be given to homeless or residents of damaged houses to help rebuild homes.