- Details
- Written by SUPER SUPER
- Published: 29 January 2012 29 January 2012
- Hits: 10787 10787
When: Saturday, February 25, 2012
Time: All day from 9:00am until 10:00pm
Portland State University SMSU Rooms 296, 294, 238
Speakers include As'ad Abu Khalil, Nora Barrow Freidman, Deepa Kumar, Joel Beinin, Shima’a Helmy, William Parry, Jesse Hagopean
Featured Speakers:
As’ad Abu Khalil
Professor of political science at California State University, he operates the Angry Arab Blog, and is the author of several books including Bin Laden, Islam & America's New "War on Terrorism, and The Battle for Saudi Arabia. He maintains a blog, The Angry Arab News Service
Nora Barrow Freidman
Reporter with The Electronic Intifada as well as a correspondent with Aljazeera English, Inter Press Service. Her articles have been featured in Truthout.org, Left Turn Magazine, and the Project
Censored yearly anthologies.
Deepa Kumar
An Associate Professor of Media Studies and Middle East Studies at Rutgers University. She is also author of the recently published Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire
Joel Beinin
Professor of History and Middle East History at Stanford University. His research and writing focus on modern and contemporary Egypt, Israel, Palestine, political Islam, and US policy in the Middle East.
Shima’a Helmy
Egyptian activist, blogger and public speaker from Cairo, Egypt. She organized and participated in the Jan. 25 uprising from day one until October 2011.
William Parry
Author of the recently published book, Against the Wall: the art of resistance in Palestine. He is a freelance journalist and photographer who has covered the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for a number of news organizations, including the Washington Review of Middle East Affairs and the New Statesman.
Jesse Hagopean
Is a teacher in the Seattle Public Schools and social justice activist. He just recently returned from the Inter Faith Peace Builders African Heritage Delegation to Israel/Palestine.
Tentative Conference Schedule:
9:00-10:00am: Coffee and Registration:
10:15– 11:45- First Sessions
11:45– 1:15- 2nd Sessions
1:15– 2:00- Lunch (light lunch will be provided)
2:00-3:30: 3rd Sessions
3:30- 5pm - 4th Session
5:30-6:30pm- Evening Panel
8-10 pm — Cultural Celebration and Dinner