[no accountability for Israel, but somehow he is magically "pro-Palestinian"]

Dear  :

Thank you for contacting me about the situation in Gaza.  I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.
As you may know, an eight-day conflict between Israel and the terrorist organization Hamas broke out in November 2012 in the Gaza Strip.  Disturbingly, Hamas launched rocket attacks on civilian populations in Israel, a tactic it has employed for years, despite international condemnation.  Hamas has ruled over Gaza since 2007 and has an unambiguous responsibility to prevent rockets from being fired from lands under its control.  Instead, Hamas has aided and abetted these lethal attacks.  In response, Israel exercised its right to defend its citizens and launched what it called Operation Pillar of Defense to halt these continued rocket attacks.  Almost 2,500 rockets have been fired at Israel in 2012, and around 3,700 rockets have been fired at the country since 2009.  Given the relentless barrage of rocket fire which endangers the lives of Israeli civilians, it is not unreasonable for Israel to exercise its right to defend itself.

Thankfully, a ceasefire was brokered after eight days with the help of both American and Egyptian diplomacy.  For this ceasefire to hold, and to avoid conflicts like this from breaking out again in the future, it is imperative that Hamas is prevented from re-arming.  While President Mohamed Morsi of Egypt played a constructive role in helping to negotiate the ceasefire, Egypt must do more to help bring about an enduring peace to a war-weary region.  That is why Senator Johnny Isakson and I sent a bipartisan letter to President Morsi, signed by 16 other senators, urging him to crack down on weapons smuggling into Gaza through Egypt.  You can find a copy of the letter on my website here: http://www.wyden.senate.gov/news/press-releases/wyden-isakson-lead-bipartisan-letter-urging-morsi-to-crack-down-on-arms-smuggling-into-gaza-.

I am pro-Israel.  I am pro-Palestinian.  I am pro-peace.  My visits to the Middle East always leave me profoundly believing that the overwhelming majority of Israelis and Palestinians desire and deserve peace and a better life.  I am confident that if both sides decide to negotiate in good faith and without preconditions, that a two-state solution can be reached and peace can finally be achieved.  Please know that I will continue to keep a close eye on the situation.
Again, thank you for keeping me apprised of your views.  If I can be of any further assistance to you in the future, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Ron Wyden
United States Senator

To write to me, go to http://wyden.senate.gov/ and choose the "Contact" link. Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered.

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