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- Written by US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
- Published: 16 April 2013 16 April 2013
- Hits: 5262 5262
Call Your Senator to Oppose the U.S. Israel Strategic Partnership Act of 2013
If passed, the Senate version of the US Israel Strategic Partnership Act of 2013 would codify Israel's discrimination against U.S. citizens, particularly Arab-Americans and people who work in support of Palestinian human rights. It would also give Israel additional access to weapons stockpiles and designate Israel a 'major strategic partner,' Sen. Wyden is currently 1 of 20 co-sponsors of this legislation - please call his office and urge him to withdraw his co-sponsorship. Please also call Sen. Merkley and thank him for not cosponsoring.
Sen. Merkley DC Office # -- 202-224-3753 -- Message: Thank you for not co-sponsoring the U.S.-Israel Strategic Partnership Act of 2013 (S. 462). I urge you to publicly oppose any effort to codify Israel's discriminatory practic es into U.S. law.
Sen. Wyden DC Office # -- 202-224-5244 -- Talking points below.
Talking points for Sen. Wyden:
1. American citizens deserve to travel without fear of being turned away based on their race, religion, or the countries they've visited.
2. I strongly oppose any legislation that would codify Israel's systematic discrimination against Arab Americans and Americans working for Palestinian human rights.
3. This legislation could violate U.S. laws barring discrimination based on race, religion and ethnicity, and it would fundamentally undermine the U.S. government's call for the protection of all its citizens traveling abroad.
Letters to the editor and op-eds mentioning the Senator Wyden's name will also get the office's add pressure to withdraw support and be a shot acr oss the bow for Merkley and other senators in case they're considering co-sponrship.
The Guardian article is the best resource for people interested in more information: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/apr/13/barbara-boxer-aipac-israel-discrimination
Here is a link to the action alert we sent when the legislation was introduced in case people also want to send emails: http://org.salsalabs.com/o/641/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=12849