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- Written by Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights (SUPER) Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights (SUPER)
- Published: 18 April 2013 18 April 2013
- Hits: 6051 6051
Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights (SUPER)
invites you to attend a two-day conference
Palestine, Imperialism and the New Middle East:
The Arab Spring Two Years On
April 27th and 28th, 2013
Portland State University, Portland, Oregon
Smith Memorial Student Union, registration begins at 9am.
Room 333 (Saturday), Room 294 (Sunday)
The Arab Revolutions of 2011 rocked the world. Starting in Tunisia and Egypt and spreading to Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, and Syria, millions of ordinary people took to the streets and occupied their workplaces, challenging dictatorial regimes that had ruled for decades. The revolutions reshaped the geopolitics of the region, forcing the U.S. to adjust its strategy in an effort to maintain its hold and setting regional powers jostling for stronger positions in the emerging order. Democratic aspirations of the masses are reinforcing regional solidarity with the Palestinian struggle, setting Israel on edge. Successful boycott and divestment campaigns in the U.S. are changing the discourse surrounding Palestine. However, the conditions of Israeli occupation, apartheid and siege in the West Bank, Israel and Gaza continue to worsen.
Two years later, the optimism of the initial uprisings has given way to a drawn out process of social upheaval and uncertainty. What does the future hold, what will it take to win liberation for the people of the region, and how will these revolutions impact the global fight against oppression and injustice? What is our role as U.S. citizens in supporting these struggles? Join Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights in a two day exploration of Palestine, Imperialism and the New Middle East-The Arab Spring Two Years On.
Speakers include Bassam Haddad, Director of the Middle East Studies Program at George Mason University; Nadia Elia, professor of Gender and Global Studies at Antioch University; Ahmed Maher, co-founder of Egypt’s revolutionary April 6th Youth Movement; Remi Kanazi Palestinian American Poet and activist; Suzan Boulad, Syrian-Kurdish blogger for Mideast Youth; Cindy Corrie, parent of ISM activist Rachel Corrie; Aaron Dixon, founder of the Seattle chapter of the Black Panther Party; Omar Offendum, Syrian-American hip-hop artist and activist; and Invincible, Israeli-American hip-hop artist from Detroit.
Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights (SUPER) is a student group at PSU dedicated to equal rights and justice for the Palestinian people.
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