- Details
- Written by Stolen Beauty Stolen Beauty
- Published: 13 July 2013 13 July 2013
- Hits: 5480 5480
Hey AUPHR Supporters,
Take action to tell Nordstrom to stop selling Ahava products. Ahava promises “Beauty Secrets from the Dead Sea” but the real secrets are an ugly truth—its products actually come from stolen Palestinian natural resources in the Occupied Territory of the Palestinian West Bank, and are produced in the illegal settlement of Mitzpe Shalem. There is a coalition effort to get stores across the country, including Nordstrom, to stop carrying the products. Costco has already dropped them! Ahava means "Love" in Hebrew, but there's nothing loving about occupation!
You can read more (www.stolenbeauty.org) and send Nordstrom an email yourself (http://bit.ly/Kh6T4W)!