- Details
- Written by Urban League of Portland and others Urban League of Portland and others
- Published: 16 August 2014 16 August 2014
- Hits: 5537 5537
National Day of Action in Solidarity with Ferguson, Saturday, August 16th:
Join with the Urban League of Portland and a coalition of community organizations as we stand in solidarity against police misconduct and militarization in Ferguson, Missouri and in our own communities in Portland.
Police racial profiling and excessive use of force has claimed the life of another young black man. We join with communities around the country to achieve justice for Michael Brown's family and community.
Portland Solidarity With Ferguson: part of a national day of solidarity and action, will take place on Saturday, August 16th, at Lownsdale Square (SW 4th Ave. & Main St.) in downtown Portland at 1pm.
Coalition members include the Center for Intercultural Organizing, OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon, Portland African-American Leadership Forum, and the Urban League of Portland.
Enough IS Enough.