- Details
- Written by Tree of Life Conference Tree of Life Conference
- Published: 14 October 2015 14 October 2015
- Hits: 7251 7251
Come and hear firsthand accounts of life in Gaza & the West Bank and
learn why activists work day in and day out for justice in Palestine.
Join us and find out what you can do to take part in this important
justice work.
Event location (host church):
First Congregational United Church of Christ
1126 SW Park Avenue, Portland, Oregon
>> Friday evening. October 16, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
"ROADMAP TO APARTHEID" - an award winning documentary, narrated by
Alice Walker, about why many Palestinians feel they are living in an
apartheid system today, and why an increasing number of people around
the world agree with them.
Free to the public.
>> Saturday October 17, 9:00 am (registration) - 5:30 pm
firsthand accounts from residents of Gaza and humanitarian volunteers
recently returned from that besieged strip of land. Learn about
opportunities here in the Northwest to work for peace and justice in
Gaza and in all of occupied Palestine.
>> Saturday, October 17, 7pm
Reception and Fundraiser for Gaza Community Mental Health Program - at First Unitarian Church 1011 S.W. 12th Ave. Buchan wing, first floor
Welcoming Dr. Yasser Abu Jamei! Please
join us for a reception and fundraiser for Gaza Community Mental Health
Program (GCMHP) following the day’s events at the Eyes on Gaza
>> Sunday afternoon. October 18, 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
singer: David Morgan - singer and songwriter from the LA scene, with
songs full of truth and wisdom that reach to the heart
Featured presentation: Barbara Lubin - Middle East Children's Alliance.
* Yasser Abu-Jamei ~ psychiatrist and executive director of the Gaza
Community Mental Health Program
* The Reverend Catherine Alder ~ activist with United Church of Christ
Palestine Israel Network
* Saed Bannoura ~ co-founder and editor-in-chief of the Palestinian
news agency The International Middle East Media Center
* Thomas Beilman ~ coordinator of Portland-area SodaStream boycott
* Linda Bergman ~ representative of the Tree of Life Educational Fund's
Journey to the Holy Land
* Mark Braverman ~ executive director of Kairos USA
* Craig and Cindy Corrie ~ parents of human rights activist Rachel
Corrie, killed in 2003 as she stood to prevent demolition of a
Palestinian home
* The Reverend Diane Dulin ~ director of church participation for
Kairos USA
* Wael Elasady ~ co-founder of Students United for Palestinian Equal
* Maxine Fookson ~ nurse practitioner recently returned from a medical
mission to Gaza
* Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb ~ member of Rabbinic Council of Jewish Voice for
Peace, and Freeman Fellow at The Fellowship of Reconciliation
* Barbara Lubin ~ co-founder and Executive Director of Middle East
Children's Alliance
* Peter Miller ~ co-founder of Americans United for Palestinian Human
* Fida Quishta ~ filmmaker and journalist from Gaza
* Teressa Raiford ~ activist with Black Lives Matter-Oregon
* Ned Rosch ~ co-founder of Jewish Voice for Peace-Portland Chapter,
recently returned from a medical mission to Gaza
* Maya Rotem ~ Israeli American Jew and human rights activist
* Jenna Saadeh, Palestinian-American member of Students United for
Palestinian Equal Rights
* Rod Such ~ activist working with Americans United for Palestinian
Human Rights
* The Reverend Canon Richard Toll ~ board member of Friends of
Sabeel-North America
* Mohammed Usrof ~ PhD candidate from Gaza
* David Morgan ~ singer and songwriter from the LA scene, with
songs full of truth and wisdom that reach to the heart
BY: Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights; Central Pacific
Conference of the United Church of Christ Palestine Israel Network;
Fellowship of Reconciliation of Oregon; First Congregational United
Church of Christ-Portland; Friends of Sabeel-North America; Jewish Voice
for Peace-Portland Chapter; Kairos USA; Kairos-Milwaukie United Church
of Christ; Lutherans for Justice in the Holy Land - Central Lutheran
Church; Tree of Life Educational Fund; Lutherans for Justice in the Holy
Land - Central Lutheran Church; Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and
Justice; Students United for Palestinian Human Rights; Palestine Israel
Network of the United Church of Christ (National).
& PARKING: First Congregational United Church of Christ church is
conveniently located in the historic South Park Blocks in downtown
Portland (between SW Madision Street and SW Main Street, across from the
Portland Art Museum). The following TriMet stops are within 2-3
walking blocks of the church:
> TriMet bus stop at SW Jefferson & 10th Street - served by bus lines # 6, 38, 45, 55, 58, 68, 92 & 96.
> TriMet bus stop at SW Salmon & Park - served by bus lines # 15 & 51.
> Portland Streetcar NS Line - the Art Museum stop.
> Max light rail Green Line and Yellow Line - the SW 6th & Madison stop.
If arriving by car, park at any of the public parking garages or public parking lots in the area.
CHILD CARE: We regret that we are unable to provide child care for this event.
AUDIO/VISUAL RECORDING: Please note that audio and video recordings of this event are not permitted.